Planning, creating and maintaining your garden

Planning, creation and maintenance of green spaces and green plants

Achieving both a sustainable and visually appealing green space with green areas and green plants requires extensive planning by specialized personnel. The aim must always be to create a natural climate for plants and green spaces in order to be able to carry out the maintenance based on this in an environmentally friendly, efficient and effective manner.

We are happy to support you in the creation or redesign of green spaces and green areas such as gardens, parks or flowerbeds, advise you and take over the maintenance of paved areas (e.g. weed removal), lawns, plants, trees, hedges or fences for you.

Of course, we are there for you all year round!

Services at a glance:

  • Planning and creation of green spaces, lawns and plant beds

  • Redesigning green spaces, lawns and plant beds

  • Lawn cutting, watering and general maintenance

  • Tree care, pruning and felling

  • Care and pruning of plants, beds and hedges

  • Sidewalk cleaning and weed removal

  • General maintenance of traffic areas in the public domain

Your request

Thank you for your interest and an inquiry about garden and landscape maintenance. We will be happy to answer your inquiries promptly via the contact form, by e-mail or call you back.

RS-Multiservicio para jardines y casas
Ronny Svejda
LGAR Taramay 195
Apartado Correos 231
18690 Almuñécar (Granada)
Mobile (Whatsapp): +34675667548
Mobile: +49177 82 99 220

    By entering your contact details, you consent to the storage and processing of your data by this website. We use the data to be able to contact you again and answer your queries. You can find our privacy policy here.

    To the dream garden

    We look forward to providing you with advice and assistance in the realization of your garden dream.